Trail management Löwenpfade

Are our paths difficult to walk on due to weather conditions? Is a path even blocked or are path constructions necessary? Are there any redirections?

On this page we would like to inform you about the current state of our paths so that you can enjoy the Löwenpfade to the fullest without any problems.We also want to give you the opportunity to share your suggestions for improvement with us - helping the Löwenpfade continuosly standing for hiking enjoyment with high quality. 

Increased dangers in forests

The Forest Office informs:
As a result of climate change, numerous beeches have already fallen ill or died. These pose a danger to visitors to the forest from suddenly falling branches. The same applies to the ash trees affected by ash dieback. The forest office asks for increased attention when staying in the forest and for understanding in the event of any closures and strict compliance with them.

The weakened and diseased trees can be recognized by incomplete or missing foliage, bark that is ulcerated or flaking off, and dying branches up to entire tree crowns. Branches can suddenly break off from sick and already dead trees. Therefore, there is a great danger for forest visitors in severely affected forest stands. Particular caution is required on windy days.